13 September 2008

The Culbreths

Here's a few quick ones of my session with Jonathan, Carrie, and Mr. J. last night. Check this one out, I didn't direct them to look at each other like this, this is just their natural interaction. Isn't it sweet?
And a good one of Jonathan and Carrie:
And who could resist this little grin? I would spoil this kid so bad if he ever gave me this look in the toy aisle.
And this one may be my favorite.photo.ever. I love everything about this shot.
Carrie, hope you like!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pic. of Carrie and her family standing on the hill!! The sky looks so cool and so does everything else about the pic. This is by far one of my favorites on your blog. Keep up the good work :)

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