17 April 2009


I got together this morning with my friend Ginger and her two little sweeties. It was so cold, but these two were such troopers. It's amazing how good a kid will be for a little ol' Pez. :)
Somewhere my oldest sons heart is going pitty-pat. He loves him some of this girl.
I got some good smiles out this little guy, but mostly I got this look. Loosely translated, I'd have to guess it means: "Alright, lady. I'm standing here. I'm being still. Now give me a Pez!".
And because, let's face it, outtakes are always funny, check these out.
Brothers are fun, aren't they?!
If you had to guess, would you think this was a happy grimace, or a sad one?
When bubbles attack:
Ginger, hope you like these! We had fun with you guys this morning--let's do it again when it's not so COLD!!

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