11 July 2011

Katherine + Hayden = Baby

I've been waiting anxiously for a while now for a new niece or nephew to spoil, and I finally have a sibling cooperating with me. Finally. We're in the home stretch of what seems to be the world's longest pregnancy --longer even to the parents-to-be, I'm sure! (My sister swears she's not ready, and that she needs more time to prepare, but I'm willing to bet that if you asked her in a month if she wants to prolong the wait, she'd kick you in the shin.)

While I was down in Charleston for her baby shower, we snuck out to the beach (a couple of different times, as the clouds were not very cooperative) for some fun maternity pictures.

Katherine and Hayden's first baby, Matilda:




I can't decide which one I like best: black and white, or the color version:



I can't wait to do newborn pictures in a few weeks. Stay tuned...

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